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Test 1  Test on cyber security and intenet world click here


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Crime which is done on Internet or Computer is called  Cyber Crime.   We should be very alert when using internet because there are many malicious programs hidden on internet. These programs are called  Malware . Examples of malware programs are  Virus, Woms, Trojan Horse, Spyware . Take test Types of Malware- 1.   Computer Virus-  Computer virus are human made software programs which are made with wrong intentions. Full form of virus is "Vital Information Resources Under Seize". Once a virus entered in our computer it affects and destroy the information and resources of computer. Virus creates its own copy when someone opens virus infected files. 2. Worm- Worm is also a types of malware which destroy the memory and stops the working of the computer by making its own copy in hundreds. Full form of worm is "Write Once Read Many".  Note- Difference between virus and worm is that virus needs a host program to execute but worm do...


Full form of the ICT is " Information and Communication Technology". ICT is combination of various information and Communicatiion technologies to search information in effective way ICT is a broad term we can say a package used in every field specially in education. ICT is helpful in all fields of our daily life like banking, education, health etc. To use ICT we need appropriate softwares. ICT Vocabulary list Computer- Computer is an electronic machine which is used to store and manipulate the data and give the desired information as a output. Hardware - Computer hardware  part or includes physical parts or components of a computer such as central processing unit, mouse, keyboard etc. Software File Folder RAM ROM Storage Unit CPU Operating System Desktop.   Desktop is the first screen that appears on monitor after the operating system is loaded.


Introduction to Internet Internet means: The Internet or simply the Net is a worldwide network of computer networks. It is an interconnection of large and small networks around the globe. Application\Uses of Internet : 1) Exchange messages using e-mail (Electronic mail). 2) Transfer files as well as software. 3) Browse through information on any topic on web. 4) Communicate in real time (chat) with others connected to the Internet. 5) Search databases of government, individuals and organizations. 6) Read news available from leading news groups. 7) Send or receive animation and picture files from distant places. 8) Set up a site with information about your company’s products and services. Internet Vocabulary List Internet – a network that links networks worldwide by satellite and telephone Web – a collection of electronic files linked together; anatomy similar to a spider’s web Search engine – a computer program that searches for specific words or...


Multiple choice questions  1. Which command is used to draw Horizontal line in LOGO?  (a) RT 45 FD 100                                  (b) RT 90 FD 90  (√)  (c) FD 100 RT 90                                   (d) LT 90 FD 100  2. Which command of LOGO is used for calculations?  (a) EXECUTE                (b) REPEAT         (c) PRINT (√)                  (d) LEFT  3. What is the moving unit of turtle ?  (a) INCH     ...


Fill In the blanks-    1.   The smallest glowing square on the computer screen is called  PIXEL . 2.   On typing  HOME  command in input box turtle returns in the mid of the screen. 3.   The instructions written in a sequence are called  PROGRAM . 4.   To run the command  EXECUTE  button or  ENTER  key of keyboard is pressed 5. The meaning of W.W.W is  WORLD WIDE WEB . 6.  The address of any websites can be typed on  ADDRESS  bar. 7.  A  WEB PAGE  mainly divided into two parts- Title and Body. 8.   GOOGLE  and  YAHOO  are famous search engine Programs. 9.     FILL SCREEN block change the colour of screen. 10.  The code of the yellow colour is 20 . 11.  We have to indicate the RADIUS and ANGLE to use the Arc ...


Spreadsheet -  Spreadsheet is an computer application used to store data in tabular form i.e. in the form of rows and columns. Spreadsheets are used to store, sort, analyse and manage the data of different organisations and offices. Examples are Microsoft Excel, Libre Office Calc, Google Sheets etc. What is data? Everything has some attributes and fixed value of attribute is called data. Attributes Value/Data Name Mango Type Fruit Taste Sweet Data Types Data can be represented in different types which is called data type. Different datatypes in spreadsheets are- Text - combination of letters and numbers is called text data. Exp name: shahid, class: vi A Numeric- combination of numbers is called numeric data. Exp weight: 20.5 kg Date- Date is written inthe format DD-MM-YYYY. Exp. 02-10-1889 Image- Image data types is used to store images, pictures. Audio- any sound file comes under this datatype. E...


Tick (√) on Correct statement and (x) on false statement. 1.         The geometric shapes cannot be draw using LOGO. (x) 2.        REPEAT Command can be used to draw a shape two time. (√) 3.         To work with computer we need programming language. (√) 4.        ST command is used to display Turtle. (√) 5.      Ans of PRINT 4-2+3 or PRINT 4-(2+3) is -1  (√) 6.         Linux is an Operating System. ( √  ) 7.         Computer is an Electronic device. ( √ ) 8.         Laptop is bigger than desktop in size. (  x) 9.        ROM is Primary Storage Unit. (  √)) 10.        MS Paint is an example of Software. (  √) ) 11.     ...