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Crime which is done on Internet or Computer is called Cyber Crime.  We should be very alert when using internet because there are many malicious programs hidden on internet. These programs are called Malware. Examples of malware programs are Virus, Woms, Trojan Horse, Spyware.

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Types of Malware-

1. Computer Virus- Computer virus are human made software programs which are made with wrong intentions. Full form of virus is "Vital Information Resources Under Seize". Once a virus entered in our computer it affects and destroy the information and resources of computer. Virus creates its own copy when someone opens virus infected files.

2. Worm- Worm is also a types of malware which destroy the memory and stops the working of the computer by making its own copy in hundreds. Full form of worm is "Write Once Read Many". 

Note- Difference between virus and worm is that virus needs a host program to execute but worm don't need any host program.

3. Trojan Horse-A Trojan horse or Trojan is a type of malware that is often masked as legitimate software. Trojans can be employed by cyber-thieves and hackers trying to gain access to users' systems. Once activated, Trojans can enable cyber-criminals to spy on you by deleting data, blocking data, modifying data, copying data, disrupting the performance of computers or computer networks. Unlike computer viruses and worms, Trojans are not able to self-replicate.

4. Spyware- spyware is a software used for gathering information of any person or any organisation in a secret way and use this information for own benefit.

5. Rootkit
Rootkits are designed to conceal certain objects or activities in your system. Often their main purpose is to prevent malicious programs being detected – in order to extend the period in which programs can run on an infected computer.

How malware comes in computer is an important question. Some common methods or way are-
  • By affected external storage device like pen drive, CD etc.
  • By pirated softwares
  • Some suspicious links on internet like website or website link.

Common forms of cyber crime:Common forms of cyber crime include:
  • Phishing: using fake email messages to get personal information from internet users;
  • Misusing personal information (identity theft);
  • Hacking: shutting down or misusing websites or computer networks;
  • spreading hate and inciting terrorism;
  • distributing child pornography;
  • Grooming: making sexual advances to minors.

HOW TO PROTECT OUR INFORMATION FORM CYBER-CRIME? Is a big question. If we pay some precautions then it is easy to handle cyber-crime
  • Protect your laptop, mobile, computer from cyber-crime using strong password
  • Use of antivirus 
  • open only known websites/links
  • take a regular backup of data
  • Don't give your personal information related to banking/profession etc to others
  • A rigorous anti-malware solution – such as Kaspersky Anti-Virus – will detect and prevent Trojan attacks on your PC, while Kaspersky Mobile Security can deliver world-class virus protection for Android smartphones. Some other antivirus are Quick Heal, Norton antivirus and Avast internet security 
Do complaint in Cyber Cell when you face any Cyber Crime. In India there is a law related to cyber. Crime which is called  INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT 2000.

Note- India's first cyber crime investigator is Pattathil Dhanya Menon

Digital Footprint 

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY-Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.
The right given for intellectual property to its owner is called Intellectual Property Right like Copyright, Patent, Trademark.

Multiple choice questions
1. …………… is a web browser application
(a) Google (√)
(b) Windows
(c) Word
(d) Excel
2. Virus and Worms are a………………….program
(a) Browser       
(b) Malware (√)
(c) Search Engine
(d) Useful
3. The crime on the computer is called-
(a) WWW crime                               
(b) Global crime
(c) International crime                  
(d) Cyber crime (√)
4. Example of intellectual property rights-
 (a) Patent          
 (b) Copy Right
 (c) Trademark  
 (d) a,b,c(√)
5. Some of the famous Browsers are
 (a) Google Chrome                                       
 (b) Windows
 (c) Internet Explorer                                     
 (d) Both a, c (√)

Fill In the blanks-  
1. IPR is called Intellectual Property Right.
2. In case of cyber crime we can make complaint at Cyber Cell.
3. Meaning of NROER is National Repository of Open Educational Resources.

Tick (√) on Correct statement and (x) on false statement.

1. To resolve the problem of cyber crime we can take help of I.T. Act-2000. (√)
2. The full form of VIRUS is “Visual Information Resources Under Seize”. (√)
3. We don’t have any right on the product made by us. (x)
