Spreadsheet - Spreadsheet is an computer application used to store data in tabular form i.e. in the form of rows and columns. Spreadsheets are used to store, sort, analyse and manage the data of different organisations and offices. Examples are Microsoft Excel, Libre Office Calc, Google Sheets etc. What is data? Everything has some attributes and fixed value of attribute is called data. Attributes Value/Data Name Mango Type Fruit Taste Sweet Data Types Data can be represented in different types which is called data type. Different datatypes in spreadsheets are- Text - combination of letters and numbers is called text data. Exp name: shahid, class: vi A Numeric- combination of numbers is called numeric data. Exp weight: 20.5 kg Date- Date is written inthe format DD-MM-YYYY. Exp. 02-10-1889 Image- Image data types is used to store images, pictures. Audio- any sound file comes under this datatype. E...