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Showing posts from February, 2020


WHAT IS MIND MAP (VUE) Generally we remember our lessons or any notes then it becomes difficult to remember it. But imagine if we can draw some images or diagram of lesson then it becomes easier to remember. Mind map is a tool that allow you to make your notes graphically. Mind map is a powerful graphical technique which is helpful in increasing the power of our mind to remember things using word, image , colour and place related skills. Mind map tool is used to create notes which can be easily remember. VUE ( VISUAL UNDERSTANDING ENVIRONMENT) is a software which is used to draw a mind map. It is an open source software. We can learn about this software using an example. Suppose we have to learn about our nature then we can draw a mind map which consist of Natural things and man made things. natural things can be trees, air, water, mountain, rivers, human and many more and man made things can be house, chair, table, computer, vehicles, cloths and many more. 


What is GEOGEBRA? Geogebra is a open source dynamic software which is used to draw geometrical shapes easily. It is a free software can be downloaded from easily. NOTE-  Open source software is a software whose source code can be changed. The person who is using software can change the source code no need to ask for permission. WINDOW OF GEOGEBRA ( SCREEN OF GEOGEBRA) CONSTRUCTION TOOLS Using construction tools we can draw geometry and algebra concept in a interactive way and can verify also. Graphic view is like a drawing pad in algebra where you can draw geometric shapes. In algebric view you can see the equation of shapes which we draw in graphic view. In input box we write the equation. This equation will be visible in algebra view and diagram will be visible in graphic view.